I got my wish- one of our Silkies is setting! She currently has about 16 eggs from all our different hens. It will be interesting to see what turns out! As of now, we're at about day 4. I'll keep posting! Here are some pics:
Wow how exciting... Thats alot of eggs for a small hen. We just hatched 7 chickadees successfully and one dead in shell and 3 eggs doing nothing. It was the best and most enjoyable experience
It is! Of course, several of them are bantam eggs. We hatched several chicks last spring... This little hen was one of them! (Check back on some of my older posts- I even have video of them hatching!)
Aaaawe lucky you! I will keep checking in to see how it is going. I want little chicks so badly but it is just way too cold here for my hen to even think about hatching.
Silkie- 7 Rhode Island Red- 4 Delaware- 1 Barred Rock- 1 Ameraucana- 7 Silver-laced Wyandotte- 4 New Hampshire Red- 1 Polish-2 Silkie/OEGB mix- 1 White Rock/ Ameraucana mix- 1 Black Sex Link- 5 Cornish- 1 White Rock- 1 Red Sex Link- 3 Mille Fleur- 2
I love chickens and have plenty of them. It all started in 2006, when I started the 4-H Chick-Chain project and received 28 chicks. We continue adding to our mess of birds each year. We received 44 little chicks in the mail in late March of 2008 and also hatched chicks for the first time, and those little babies are now grown hens. This past year we bought some different breeds from the Co-op, along with 4 ducklings. Our chicken breeds consist of Polish, Cochins, RIRs, Ameraucanas, many many Silkies, and lots of other fun breeds. We have six ducks, who go all about the backyard like a gang. Our total amount of poultry is currently around 40.
Wow how exciting...
Thats alot of eggs for a small hen.
We just hatched 7 chickadees successfully and one dead in shell and 3 eggs doing nothing.
It was the best and most enjoyable experience
It is! Of course, several of them are bantam eggs.
We hatched several chicks last spring... This little hen was one of them! (Check back on some of my older posts- I even have video of them hatching!)
Aaaawe lucky you! I will keep checking in to see how it is going. I want little chicks so badly but it is just way too cold here for my hen to even think about hatching.
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