Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Spring is in the air! We have one hen setting, and eight new additions to the poultry family- four Black Astralorps and four Silver Laced Wyandottes. The two oldest Astralorps we recieved at a 4-H Farm Day, and the other six were purchased at the Co-op about a week later. The older two are probably several weeks older, and are nearly fully feathered. These guys were living in our bathroom. After about the fourth escape, they were relocated to the outside brooder.

Black Astralorp

Black Astralorp

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Black Astralorp

Silver Laced Wyandotte



Jenna said...

So very cute. I just love chicks.

Savories of life said...

A blog after my own heart. Come and see my giveaway!