Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Old and New

I am sad to report that we've had two losses: the white Cochin hen, Queen Elizabeth (Lizzie), died a couple weeks ago of natural causes. Also, my sweet little white Cochin bantam hen, Queen Henrietta Maria, was (probably) killed by a dog.


But, I do have some good news: about a week after the first chick hatched, we found another! I think that it is Lizzie's baby; a white Cochin/Ameracauna & white Rock mix. The next day, we found yet another baby! This one came from a green Ameracauna egg.

And, one day while at the local Co-op, we saw....you guessed it, chicks and ducks. But these were Easter chicks and ducks: there were yellow, red, blue, green, orange, and purple, and also Mallard ducks. We left with two little Mallards, a blue duckling, and a green duckling. They are growing fast, but their colors are still vibrant.

The blue one's name is Saphire, and the green Emerald :]


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Just gorgeous!
What lovely little fluffy surprises...
Just super sweetness..

Amri Valencia said...

So sad that you lost two chickens.
The ducklings are so cute (even though I think green birds look a little odd)!
Somehow I think I've found someone as camera-crazy as I am!

Great blog!

chickengirl said...

Thanks! They are precious.

Thanks, Amri. Your blog looks really neat! I think we have a lot in common ;)