Thursday, December 25, 2008

Going's On

Merry Christmas!

We didn't have a white Christmas here this year... we seldom do! Our Christmas felt more like late September than late December. I know that I haven't posted in a long time, so here are some picture updates!

We Three Queens... the silver-laced Wyandotte trio, Sylvia, Cynthia, and Mi-mi

Pepper the Barred Rock struts her stuff

Follow the leader!

Little Red- Flamingo wanna-be

Foster Pets

Our friends who own chickens and rabbits went to Florida several days ago, and left us in charge of some of their animals. As of now (and until they get back), we 'own' 3 Cochin bantams and 1 Silkie hen, 6 teenage-aged chicks, and three rabbits. Here are some pics!

The Cochins & Silkie

The roo looks like Sergui's twin!!

And she looks like Henrietta's twin! Of course, we bought them all at the state fair from the same people... they may be twins!

One of the rabbits...

Dottie the Rex (they are SOOOOO soft!!)

Why, hello there!



Don said...

Welcome Back! Your flock looks happy and content. Mine is cooped up as we have lots of snow. I have a broody hen, so I let her have some eggs. I know it's probably not going to work, but we'll see!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year

chickengirl said...

Thank you! They are all pretty happy... cold, but happy.

Good luck with the broody hen! We hatched our first chicks, and they're growing FAST. What cuties...